Resilience, compassion take center stage at OUWB’s 10th commencement
学生 from OUWB's Class of 2024 pose for a fun picture prior to Friday's commencement.

The resiliency of 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院’s Class of 2024 and the importance of compassion were front and center at the school’s 10th commencement on Friday.

More than 700 people attended the event held on the campus of Oakland University.

They witnessed 115 graduates get hooded and officially be called “doctors” for the first time as the school’s number of graduates passed the 1,000年马克.

“这非常超现实,阿什利·威廉姆斯说, who matched in diagnostic radiology at Northeast Georgia 医疗 Center and Columbia University Irving 医疗 Center.

“I remember when I was 10, I’d write in my diary ‘Ashley Williams, M.D.“今天早上一想到这件事我就哽咽了.”

Ahmed Hussain, who matched in internal medicine at Ascension Macomb, expressed similar feelings.

“Four years of hard work and it leads to this moment and going on to the next chapter of our lives…it's an exciting thing,侯赛因说. “这是超现实的.”

Dauen宋, who matched in orthopaedic surgery at University of Michigan, reflected on how the class was able to bond despite the early challenges presented by COVID.

“By being proactive, I was able to find my sense of community,” Jeong said. “现在,这些朋友将陪伴我一生.”

这是2024年OUWB毕业典礼的照片Friends and family members of the graduates generally expressed feelings of pride and excitement for the newly minted physicians.

Deborah Kessler’s son, Alex Kessler, was among the graduates. Kessler matched with University of Minnesota 医疗 School for residency in internal medicine.

凯斯勒说:“这非常令人兴奋. “从我的角度来看,他让事情看起来很容易。. He ultimately put in all the hard work to arrive at this moment here.”

像Oyinkansola Akinpelu这样的毕业生, 谁是德州大学奥斯汀分校的校友, were already looking ahead while reflecting on the OUWB experience.

“Medicine is a field that takes a lot of hard work, and a lot of dedication,”她说。. “我们已经奉献了四年, 所以我们要继续把它应用到住院医生身上.”


Several speakers addressed the graduates and friends and family members, 随着共同主题的出现, 尤其是同情心和适应力.

“当我们站在职业生涯的顶峰时, remember that the resilience we’ve developed here is not just about enduring hardship but about thriving amidst challenges, and this has equipped us with the tools to navigate the stress and challenges of residency,Yousif Esho说, 类扬声器.





琳达·吉勒姆博士.D., founding associate dean for Academic and 教员事务, was the keynote speaker. 她也称赞了这个班级的适应力.

Gillum also talked about the history of OUWB and how the school’s “north star,或指路明灯, 以善良为中心, 勇气, 和同情.

“从第一天起, we envisioned preparing a different kind of physician — from that vision we made a promise,吉勒姆说。, 他于2019年退休. “This promise shaped who we wanted to be and who we are today.”

“The culture that we established in 2008 will forever influence the way OUWB physicians practice medicine and the lives of every patient who will ever be seen by you, 我们了不起的OUWB医生,她补充道。.

克里斯托弗·卡彭特,硕士.D., Stephan Sharf interim dean, also stressed the importance of compassion.

“(指南针ion) is one of our most important attributes as physicians,他说. “在今天,我们第一次称你们为医生, I en勇气 you to always practice with compassion – compassion instilled in you by your families and that we’ve had the privilege of nurturing over the last four years.”


这是2024年牛津大学毕业典礼的照片其中包括校友演讲嘉宾马修·德罗戈夫斯基(Matthew Drogowski).D.19岁.

在与未来的病人打交道时, 回想一下你在OUWB学到的东西, remember that the good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease,他补充道. “Always remember that at the heart of every medical decision lies a human being, 有恐惧的人, 希望, 梦想和把他们的关心托付给你的爱人.”

Daniel Skovronsky, m.s.D., Ph.D.他是礼来公司(Eli Lilly and Co .)首席科学官., received an honorary degree from OUWB, and spoke during the ceremony.

He told the graduates that they were “lucky enough to be graduating in the midst of what history will record as the golden age of biomedical science.”

“My wish for you is that you should take advantage of your great timing, 为增进健康尽自己的一份力量, 不仅仅是对你要照顾的个别病人, 而是为了全人类,他说.

He urged graduates to stay up-to-date on the latest in medical advances, and consider encouraging patients to participate in research.

“也许最重要的是, I ask you to follow your hearts and be advocates for your patients to help them access the cutting-edge science that is now available,他说.

奥拉·赫希·佩斯科维茨,m.s.D.十大菠菜台子的校长也发了言. She recalled the day she graduated from medical school and subsequent life lessons learned as a younger doctor.

Among the lessons she mentioned were: approach each day with passion and purpose; never underestimate yourself but never overestimate yourself either; seek mentors; and be curious, 恭敬谦卑.

“Of all these aphorisms, perhaps the most important one is this one: believe in yourself,”她说。. “相信医学实践.”


“Be proud of everything you have accomplished here and take it with you as you move through the world,”她说。. “记住你所学到的一切, 在住院医师生活的起起落落中保持勇气, and approach this next phase of your professional journey with thoughtfulness 和同情.”

She also urged the graduates to maintain the bonds they’ve created.

“You have had a medical school experience together that no one other than yourselves can fully understand,布朗说. “保持彼此的亲密,继续相互支持, 不管你在未来有多近或多远.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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