

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  十大菠菜台子 (University) licenses numerous Software programs for its own use. The University enters into a license agreement with the owner of each Software program pursuant to which the University assumes certain legally binding obligations that must be followed by its employees. 这项政策旨在减少大学在关键领域的曝光率, 改善供应商问责制, 和 assure Software use 符合 license restrictions 和 copyright.

政策:  University Software must be procured 和 收购d using st和ard University purchasing procedures, purchased with University funds 和 must be licensed to the University 和 not to individual employees.

All 大学的员工s 和 users of University-licensed Software 应 use the Software only in accordance with the license agreement. The University does not allow the installation of any Software on University Information Technology 资源 without a valid license.

适用范围及适用性:  This policy is applicable to all persons utilizing Software installed on any University Information Technology 资源. This policy also applies to all situations where University funds are used for Software purchase, 无论是中央的还是部门的.


资讯科技资源:  信息技术资源包括但不限于, 台式电脑, 笔记本电脑, 工作站, 服务器, 平板电脑, 智能手机, 电器, 应用程序或托管服务提供商服务(asp), 网络设备, 以及任何其他能传输信号的硬件, 存储或使用软件.

软件:  软件意味着, 在其最广泛的定义中, 电子存储的计算机指令, 操作系统, 公用事业公司, 应用程序, 应用程序或托管服务提供商服务(asp), 软件即服务, 以及相关文档.


1.  软件采购

Software license acquisitions will be initiated using processes documented by Purchasing 和 大学科技服务 (UTS); Software purchased using personal funds will not be reimbursed. The Academic Computing Committee of the University Senate may provide input to Purchasing 和 UTS on the process as it applies to academic Software. 请检查 UTS校园软件程序 获取具体说明.

The University will make every effort to centrally fund Software that will:

  1. 作为全校统一的标准;

  2. 成为大学科技基础设施不可或缺的一部分;

  3. be implemented as part of a University initiative; or

  4. 使大学实现规模经济.


The st和ard University purchasing procedures include evaluations of the following conditions, ,由科技大学进行详细检讨, 风险管理办公室, 法律事务厅, 和其他部门根据需要:

  • Processing, storage, or transmittal of Confidential data as defined in OU美联社&p# 860信息安全, including contracting with a third party to accept payment card processing on behalf of the University.

  • 处理数据的系统需要数据收集或集成, 存储或传输关键操作的数据 OU美联社&p# 860信息安全.

  • Transferral of data currently residing on a University-owned computer or server or other device to a device not owned by the University.

  • Login integration with the University’s identity management login structure is expected.

  • 预期安装在由UTS管理的服务器上.

  • 特定或不寻常的网络、存储或安全要求.

  • Requirements for remote systems access or virtual private network (VPN) access.

  • 供大学企业共享使用.

  • 旨在通过大学网络广泛访问.

  • Requires regulatory or legal compliance or falls within the scope of a compliance program already managed by UTS.

  • 预期在虚拟或镜像环境中安装.

  • 供应商接受大学的标准条款和条件.

2.  软件许可证使用

University use of Software 应 be 符合 the license agreement. No 大学的员工 违反许可协议的条款. 转让任何副本的所有权, 任何许可软件的修改或合并部分, 无论是无偿的还是获得的, 应 be a violation of this policy 和 is prohibited by the University, 除非许可证中明确允许转让. Such conduct may also violate state 和 federal law 和 subject an employee to civil 和/or criminal penalties.

大学员工, 收购, 或使用未经授权的电脑软件副本, 或以其他方式违反软件许可协议, or otherwise violate this policy 应 be subject to discipline in accordance with OU美联社&890信息技术资源的使用 也可能要承担个人责任, including civil 和/or criminal penalties as provided by state 和 federal law.

Personally licensed Software or Software that is free or purchased personally by an individual may be installed on University Information Technology 资源 if the individual owner maintains a valid copy of the license with the device (i.e.,必须在电脑上保存有效的许可证副本)。. If an individual cannot produce a valid license upon request, the Software must be removed. Departments allow the installation of such Software at their own risk; Software must be removed if the employee who licensed the Software leaves the University.

Software may not be installed on any University server without a valid license that allows for server installation 和 shared use of the Software.

Software licensed by the University may not be installed on any device other than the device specified on the license.

3.  软件管理

Software is intended for the use specifically authorized in the applicable Software license agreements 和 remains the intellectual property of the owner 和 is protected by copyright or patent.

Each Software license will have documented rules for appropriate installation 和 use, 以及这些使用的付费指标. 指标可能包括座位数, 命名用户列表, 安装数, 处理器数, 大学招生数据, 固定月费, 网站许可证或取决于软件的各种其他指标, 软件的类别和供应商. The University department or unit acquiring Software is responsible for verifying appropriate installation 和 use of the Software, for maintaining documented records in support of the required metrics, 和 for covering additional costs related to exp和ed or changed metrics. 

4.  操作

Software installations cannot impair the operation of University network 和 服务器. Software installations may also have risks for 台式电脑, causing slow or unreliable performance. 如果发现与大学政策相冲突, 或者与教育相冲突, 业务, 网络或服务器操作, 软件将被移除, or the hardware running the Software will be disconnected from or otherwise blocked from network connectivity, 符合 OU美联社&p# 850网络策略#890信息技术资源的使用

5.  责任

The responsibility for complying with this policy rests with each employee. 员工应向单位主管报告任何违规行为. Unit supervisors 应 report violators for appropriate investigation 和 discipline. 具有购买软件签字权的个人, 或者那个人的指定人, 负责理解license的安装, 许可证使用指标, 供应商管理, 以及正在进行的许可证遵从性验证. Violations will be sanctioned according to University policy, including without limitation, OU美联社&大学信息技术资源的利用.


OU美联社&p# 850网络策略

OU美联社&p# 860信息安全

OU美联社&p# 1000采购政策

OU美联社&p# 1020采购卡程序

