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英语学院/Office of Global Engagement

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

英语学院/Office of Global Engagement

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

A woman 写作 on a white board with a blue marker.


Do you have the desire to improve your skills in English? ESL学院为所有技能水平的语言学习者提供课程. 我们希望帮助你自信地读、写、说、听英语.

  • Full-time and part-time programs available
  • Courses offered in reading, 写作, and speaking/listening.
  • Students do NOT receive academic credit for these courses; however, 完成所有ESL课程的学生可以获得结业证书.
  • Most visa holders are eligible for admission (contact (电子邮件保护) for eligibility questions).

Full-time ESL Students (F-1 visa holders)

  • Must enroll in three courses each 8-week term.
  • 有资格获得 校园房屋 如果你打算继续在公开大学攻读学位课程,或者如果你已经申请了公开大学的学位课程.
  • Must attend four 8-week terms before eligible for a vacation semester.  


  • 根据签证类型的规定,每8周可以选修一、二或三门ESL课程.
  • Vacation can be taken when needed.


  • May take one ESL course per term.
  • 签证的截止日期必须在该学期期末考试的最后一天之后.



Are you ready to start studying for an academic degree? 全球成就衔接课程(新闻出版总署)适用于满足全部入学学术要求但英语水平考试成绩略低的本科申请者. 在新闻出版总署,ESL课程和学术课程相结合. Plus, you are eligible for on-campus student housing. 


Global Achievement Pathways Program for One Semester (新闻出版总署 - 1)

入学第一学期,学生将学习12个学分和2门7级ESL课程. Students must earn a B- or higher in their level 7 classes; the student will take only academic classes in subsequent semesters.


  • TOEFLiBT: 69 – 78 (minimum section score 16)
  • 雅思:6.0 (minimum section score 5.5)
  • PTE学术:48-52
  • 多邻国英语考试成绩:2019年7月15日以后,总分160分,95分(总分100分,38-47分)

Global Achievement Pathways Program for Two Semesters (新闻出版总署 - 2)

The first semester of attendance, 学生将获得4个学分,并在6级和7级学习4门ESL课程. Students must earn a B- or higher in their level 6 and 7 classes.  The second semester in 新闻出版总署, 该学生将获得12个学分和2门7级的ESL课程.  Students must earn a B- or higher in their level 7 classes; the student will take only academic classes in subsequent semesters.


  • 托福:62 - 68
  • 雅思:6.0
  • PTE学术:44 - 47
  • 多邻国英语考试成绩:2019年7月15日以后160分满分90分(100分满分30 - 37分)
要申请,请转到Future 本科生
  1. Apply to 十大菠菜台子 for an undergraduate degree.
  2. 提交所有所需文件,包括英语水平测试信息.
  3. If eligible, applicant will be accepted as a 新闻出版总署 student.

十大菠菜台子度过一到两个学期来提高你的教育水平!  美国海外学期计划(尽快)是为希望在十大菠菜台子学习学分并体验十大菠菜台子所提供的一切的国际研究生和本科生提供的,包括在密歇根最安全的校园内生活的便利.

尽快也适用于那些正在改变职业生涯并需要在申请研究生院之前学习新领域课程的国际个人, 以及那些希望通过参加十大菠菜台子的学分课程来提高获得学位机会的人.

  • 全日制注册——本科阶段12学分或研究生阶段8学分
  • Receive an official transcript and certificate of completion
  • 了解未来在美国的学术和职业可能性
  • Make connections with faculty and mentors in your field
  • Access to all university amenities – recreation center, 图书馆, 学生活动, 讲座, 体育和更多
  • Explore the Metro Detroit area and Canada
  • 工程
  • 计算机科学
  • 艺术与科学
  • 业务
  • 健康科学
  • 教育
  • 本科学生应至少持有其所在大学的大二学位,并具有良好的学术地位.
  • 研究生 students must have completed a bachelor’s degree.
  • All students must meet university English proficiency standards to take academic classes only; otherwise, 除了本科阶段的12个学分或研究生阶段的8个学分外,他们还将学习两门ESL课程.
    • To take all academic courses:
      • 托福网考:最低79分
      • 雅思:6.5最低
      • PTE Academic: 53 minimum
      • Duolingo English Test: 100 (undergraduate students only)
    • To take academic courses with ESL support courses:
      • 托福网考:69 - 78分
      • 雅思:6.0 (no section score below 5.5)
      • PTE学术:48 - 52
      • Duolingo English Test: 95 (undergraduate students only)

Interested in being an 尽快 student? 请查看 尽快的时间! 这是你从完成适当的申请到开始在十大菠菜台子上课所需要做的.

要申请,请访问 the undergraduate admissions 应用程序 然后选择"I wish to pursue other undergraduate work (second degree, 教师认证, post-bachelor, 额外的大/小, American Semester Abroad Program (尽快), 等.)."

要申请,请访问 研究生招生 应用程序 然后选择"I am interested as an 尽快 Non-Degree seeking student."


J-1 Students and Scholars

非入学的J-1交换生可以选择最多三门(每门4学分)的口语和听力理解课程, reading and vocabulary development, and 写作 and sentence structure with other international students.

  • A maximum of twelve OU credits per term can be earned.
  • ESL courses are 8-week terms.
  • 学生在注册英语语言课程之前必须参加ESL在线分班考试. 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 为了进入测试.
  • 为ESL学生提供各种主题的免费研讨会,以提高学生的学习能力.

你想提高你在学术环境中使用英语的信心吗?  阅读, 写作, 大学水平的外语口语和听力要求学生有较高的熟练程度.  如果你发现自己完成作业的时间比班上的国内学生长, 或者如果你只是想继续提高你的英语水平,以便在学术环境中取得成功, take an ESL class or two or three!

For undergraduate students, we would recommend the following courses:

ESL 0077N - Level 7 - Listening and Speaking for 十大菠菜台子:  For non-native speakers only. 引导学生掌握在学术环境中取得成功所必需的技能. 重点是学生在各种学术环境中展示他们有效沟通和理解英语的能力,以便他们为融入通识教育课程做好准备.

ESL 0078N - Level 7 - 阅读 and Vocabulary Development:  For non-native speakers only. 旨在帮助学生完善阅读技巧和策略的学术目的. Emphasizes critical analysis and close reading skills.

ESL 0079N - Level 7 - Academic Writing:  For non-native speakers only. Practice in the development of advanced computer literacy, 打字, and 写作 skills utilizing technology. 结合广泛的实践过程写作为各种读者和目的(如.g.(实验报告、论文和研究报告),重点是培养流利性.

For graduate students, we would recommend the following courses:

ESL 0087N - 8级-听力和口语:学术成功英语  For non-native speakers of English. Emphasis on improving presentation skills, particularly pronunciation, and on addressing issues relevant to graduate student success.

ESL 088N - Level 8 - 阅读 and Vocabulary for 研究:  For non-native speakers only. 旨在帮助研究生完成阅读和理解实质性研究论文或论文的任务. 重点将放在批判性思维技能和词汇发展上. 

ESL 0089N - Level 8 - Academic Writing for 研究 Purposes:  For non-native speakers only. 旨在帮助研究生完成撰写实质性研究论文或论文的任务.

If interested, contact the 英语学院 at:

英语学院 at 十大菠菜台子
Office of Global Engagement


(248) 364-8803